måndag 5 april 2010

Trust... The Cure....


there's no-one left in the world
that i can hold onto
there is really no-one left at all
there is only you
and if you leave me now
you leave all that we were
there is really no-one left
you are the only one
and still the hardest part for you
to put your trust in me
i love you more than i can say
why won't you just believe?

                                             ... Trust, the Cure

...czyli moja ulubiona piosenka z mojego ulubionego albumu Curów WISH

Favoritlåt från favorit skivan av the Cure

Wpis pierwszy...

Wpis pierwszy: próba                                                                              
raz raz raz                                                                                                    
raz dwa                                                                                                                                    
raz dwa trzy                                                                                                               
i fota                                                                                                                                              

Mój prawie pierwszy fotomontaż.                                             
Zrobiony kiedyś tam w listopadzie                                                                  
jako jedno z zadań na zaliczenie     
Detta var en av inlämningsuppgifter
på Databaserade designverktyg på KTH
skapad i november eller december